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Actions Engine Possibilities

The actions engine has some amazing possibilities that I wanted to highlight, and hopefully see from the Currents team if any of these would be feasible given its existing implementation. My proposition: Could the Actions Engine accept some sort of custom script that will do whatever we might want? This would allow any user to hook into the results of their tests, powered by, and easilly visible and modifiable from within Currents. Here’s a use case for us that would be compelling: Our team has been building out a comprehensive flake reporting system for our Cypress E2E test suite. We have a bad flakiness problem, and have written a custom reporting plugin that will: 1. detect a flake 2. create a jira ticket for the flake for a given unique test and error message 3. if the flake occurs again, it will find this jira ticket and update it with more information Some feedback within our team on this would be: 1. can we then attach grafana logs if an error contains a request ID? 2. can we only assign someone if the flake has occurred more than once so we can prioritise? the possibilities are endless, so having the Actions Engine attempt to build a one-size-fits-all solution for all the things people might want to do with test results might be an endless job. Putting the power into the hands of the users to script their own actions would be sick! What do others think? Is this feasible within the current engine?

Parker Rowe 18 days ago